Post One - Is a wedding video worth the money!?

So the number one question I see brides asking is 'is it worth getting a wedding video' or 'is photography enough on its own', and these are the sorts of questions you need to be asking yourself to make sure you are getting the wedding day that’s right for you!

I think the pre conception still exist (for the most part) that photography is is all you need and that videography is a nice to have. As a videographer I am naturally going to disagree with that statement and say that videography should be as important as photography on your wedding day! below I am going to give you some reasons that back up my view.

The main reason is pretty simple, I see brides saying online all the time that they regret not having a wedding video. Your wedding day only comes around once, there aren’t any do overs, so we cannot change our mind down the line. In 10 or 20 years time when your celebrating your wedding anniversary or sitting at home on a Sunday evening and your mind wanders to thinking about your loved ones, would you rather have a beautifully shot wedding video that captured the special moments like your dads toast, the best mans embarrassing jokes and your nans cute little dancing, or would you rather have another thousand pounds sitting in your bank account… Now only you know the answer to that question but i'm betting its the former.

The next point I want to highlight is that videography captures the day in a way photography will never be able to replicate. There is a great quote that helps to illustrate this point 'Photography shows that you laughed; videography shows why you laughed' and this simple quote pretty much sums up why I love film making and the medium that is video. To give you one more example, photography cant capture the vows that you will make on your wedding day, but video can, and those vows can be used to weave a beautiful story about the day as whole and bring the whole experience together in a different way to photographs.

Video has moved on so much more over the past 10-15 years compared to photography and the level of quality that a professional videographer can pull out of high end cameras now is just fantastic. These videos can also be tailored to social media ready formats and 4k resolution videos will remain the standard for many years to come.

To put it simply I think a wedding video gives a much more complete sense of the day, full of all the emotions and laughter. I guarantee you will not regret having a well shot wedding video…


Post two - What you can do to help your videographer make the best video possible!